The Gooapple iPhone 4 comes with a form that is really similar to the iPhone 4, and even user interface was also the same as the iPhone 4. It's been a lot of imitation of Apple's iPhone product, but the Gooapple iPhone 4, bright publicly trying to distance the line where the copyright violations were directly involved, such as the use of a protected logo or mascot. However, it appears that certain clones of this smartphone manufacturer has decided to dump all the notions of copyright infringement in the trash in an effort to create a clone as realistic as possible looking for.

That being said, it should be of little surprise that the Gooapple iPhone 4 does not run off Apple's iOS operating system. Rather, GizChina is reporting that the Gooapple will come bundled with a vanilla copy of version 2.2 (aka Froyo) of Google's Android operating system.
The Gooapple iPhone 4 is reportedly available for pre-order now at the discounted price of 999 yuan or US$152, although we should point out that this phone is unlikely to ever see the light of day outside of China's domestic market.
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